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The first half net profit of 205000000 yuan of 361 degrees glide compared to the same period 65% bra-www.nike009.comAnnounced at the June 30, 2013 interim results show, in the first half of the company net profit of 205000000 yuan, down 65.6% year on year; basic earnings per share 9.9 yuan, interim dividend of 0.04 yuan.

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Isa Pui o you, Caroline, brand isa Bei you, Caroline, a brand introduced isa Bei you, O Jia Ni agent-新竹縣

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,Gucci 2012新款登場, a company for a grade, the economic strength of the modern urban women, regardless of her on this dress so expensive, how loud brand is a set of clothing into the world! Wear it on all occasions!

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A 虎豹騎牛刀小試 E ‖榮譽殿堂‖鴨梨山大 I ‖榮譽殿堂‖決戰到底 M China?熊貓
B 老男人跟小白花戰隊 F 我們都是害蟲 J 虎豹騎-基情四射 N Ex-Force
C 星河之利仞 G 德威新资料 K 傳說中的萌之隊 O 蒼穹--虎豹騎
D Ghost Armor H D-DAY 怯薛軍 L 五八小隊(大眼龍) P 101-航空旅

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